Kerala Veterinary and Animal Science University
âCentre for One Health Education, Advocacy, Research and Training (COHEART)" is a new initiative of Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University to propagate One Health programmes in India and most importantly to meet the global public health challenges of the 21st century.
COHEART is the acronym used for Centre for One Health Education, Advocacy, Research and Training, which is an autonomous centre working under the aegis of Directorate of Entrepreneurship of Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, India. COHEART was launched in the year 2014 as per the decisions of the 10th Academic Council and 26th Board of Management of KVASU. COHEART functions to develop a tradition of One Health that focusses on 5 C’s namely, Consensus, Collaboration, Cooperation, Coordination and Commitment among sectors and professionals. COHEART envisions to be a Global centre for Excellence in One Health Education, Advocacy, Research and Training. WHO, OIE, FAO and the UN organizations have in various ways highlighted the alarming threats that could affect health of humans and animals? These organizations have strongly endorsed the concept of One Health and has validated the concept as an integrated and collaborative approach for preventing, detecting, containing, eliminating, and responding to animal and public health risks. With the establishment of COHEART, the Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University wants to deliver the message that the health of the humans, animals and the environment is inextricably linked, and that promoting the well-being of all species can only be achieved through a multidisciplinary approach. COHEART is a pioneer One Health oriented institute in India that focusses on sustainable health of the community. COHEART intends to generate and share scientific knowledge on the understanding and application of One Health concept by Education, Advocacy, Research and Training.
Our Vision
To be a Global Centre for Excellence in One Health Education, Advocacy, Research and Training
Our Mission
To support in achieving sustainable health of man, animal and its surrounding environment through leadership, partnership, research and training in One Health domains
One Health Graphic Design...
Here is an excellent opportunity for Students and Professionals to use their c...
South Asian Regional Dise...
Dr. Prejit participated in the South Asian Regional Disease Surveillance Worksho...
One Health EJP Summer Sch...
Dr. Prejit, officer-In-Charge, COHEART received International scholarship for pa...
WVPA-Boehringer Ingelheim...
Pratheesh PT, KSCSTE post doc student at COHEART-Department of Veterinary Public...
Honorable Governor of Ker...
The Honorable Governor of Kerala and Chancellor of Kerala Veterinary and Animal ...
Best research paper Award...
Dr. Aswathy S received Best research paper Award (Session on Veterinary Continui...
Best research paper award...
PGDOH Dissertation work of Dr. Sathya sooryan A. M received Best research ...
2nd best paper award for ...
PGDOH Dissertation work of Dr. Silpa Sasi received 2nd best paper award for XXVI...
First prize in the Oral p...
PGDOH Dissertation work of Dr. Rani Maria Thomas received First prize in the Ora...
Second prize in oral pres...
The part of PGDOH Dissertation work of Dr. Riya Bakde received 2nd prize in oral...
Annie Navomi Philip recei...
Dr. Annie Navomi Philip is awarded with a ‘Certificate of Merit&rsqu...
Best Poster Award in AMST...
PGDOH Dissertation work of Dr. Pavan M received Best Poster award during AMST co...
First prize in the poster...
PGDOH Dissertation work of Dr. Sumanth Bedre received First Prize in poster comp...
PGDOH 2016-17: Best Disse...
Dr. Savitha Rudrappa, PG Diploma student of One Health received Best Dissertatio...
COHEART participated in t...
COHEART participated in the Workshop on Zoonotic Disease and Pandemic Preparedne...
COHEART participated the ...
COHEART participated in the 14th Annual conference of International Society for ...
School Educational programme at Govt Hig...
The participants were VI, VII, VIII and IX stude...
Education on Health and Hygiene for stud...
One day Educational programme was held on 17th Jul...
Educational programme held at Model Resi...
Educational awareness programme on hand hygiene wa...
Educational programme held at GHS Pariya...
Educational awareness programme for high school ch...
Educational programme held at GHS Nellar...
Educational awareness programme for introducing th...
Educational programme held at GHS Kolath...
One day Educational programme on Health Hygiene an...
Educational programme held at Lourdu Mat...
In the aim to recognize that human health, animal ...
Educational programme held at Sarvodaya ...
To converge the health of people, animals, and our...
Educational programme held at GHS Meppad...
Educational awareness programme for awareness on O...
Educational programme held at St Josephâ...
COHEART organized one day school educational progr...
Educational programme held at Wayanad Mu...
One day Educational programme, quiz and survey on ...
Educational programme held at Government...
One day Educational programme and quiz on Hea...
Educational programme held at CMS High S...
For enlightening the benefit of One Health for hum...
Educational programme held at RC High Sc...
One day educational programme on Health Hygiene an...
Educational programme held at Wayanad Or...
One day Educational programme on Health Hygiene an...
Awareness programme held at GHS Thariode...
One day Awareness programme was organized on 19th ...
Training on âSustainable Food Safety t...
Collaborative 4 days - online national training pr...
Training on "Total mixed ration"...
Total mixed ration means "the practice of weighing...
Training on Molecular Diagnostic protoco...
COHEART organized one day exposure training on Mol...
21 days Winter school Training on "Appli...
About the training: COHEART and Dept. of Veterinar...
Training on âSafe Food Handling Practi...
The Department of Veterinary Public health and COH...
Training on âHygienic Meat Productionâ...
Training on “Hygienic Meat Production”...
3 day FSO training on "Quality Assurance...
Two batches of three day residence training progra...
Training on âHygienic Milk Productionâ...
June 1st is commemorated as World Milk Day, w...
School Training Programme- Idukki...
On 2/05/2014, COHEART organized training programme...
School training on Health, Hygiene and D...
School students from Kendriyavidyalaya, Naval base...
Hand Hygiene training for school student...
COHEART organized training programme for scho...
Training on âSafe Food For Safe Future...
Awareness training programme on “Safe ...
Food Safety- Quality meat & milk product...
COHEART organized one day awareness training progr...
Seminar on âProspects of feeds and fee...
Feeding a growing world population with more deman...
Farmers seminar on Effect of climate cha...
India is the largest producer of milk. While our c...
Seminar on âApplication of Geospatial ...
COHEART in collaboration with Indian Veterinary As...
National Seminar on Sustainable Rabies C...
National Seminar on ‘Sustainable Rabies Cont...
Seminar on Importance of Food safety sta...
COHEART in association with Dept of VPH conducted ...
National Workshop âEthics & Welfare co...
COHEART & Dept. of Veterinary Pharmacology and...
Stakeholderâs workshop to develop stra...
COHEART, KVASU in association with Department of H...
Workshop on âWayanad - A Safe Food Des...
COHEART organized a brain storming workshop on 24/...
Workshop on âCurriculum Development of...
The 2 day workshop on “Curriculum developmen...
National Science Day...
National Council for Science and Technology Commun...
World Environment Day 2017...
World Environment Day 2017 COHEART Co-organized on...
World Zoonoses Day 2017...
World Zoonoses Day 2017 was celebrated in benefiti...
World Milk Day Celebrations, 2017...
College of Dairy Science and Technology, Pookode, ...
World Veterinary Day - 2016...
On the last Saturday every year, the global veteri...
World Environment Day- 2016...
World Environment Day is celebrated on the 5th of ...
World Zoonoses Day- 2016...
Centre organized Cholera awareness camps at S...
World Zoonoses Day- 2015...
The first vaccination against a potential zoonotic...
World Rabies day- 2017...
In the year 2017 World Rabies day, COHEART Co-Orga...
World milk day- 2016...
June 1 2016, the World milk day was grandly celebr...
World Rabies Day-2015...
September 28 marks the anniversary of Louis Pasteu...
World Milk Day celebration 2015...
One day awareness programme for the dairy farmers ...
World Antibiotic Awareness Week- 2015...
A global action plan was endorsed at the 68th Worl...
World Milk Day- 2014...
World Milk Day is established under the aegis of t...
World Health Day-2015...
April 7th of every year marks the celebration of W...
Pet Health Camp- Rabies Vaccination...
COHEART Co-Organized Pet health camp on 22/09/2017...
Surveillance Camp for KFD...
Kyasanur forest disease created a panic in Wayanad...
Anti-Rabies Titre Assessment Camp-2017...
COHEART organized the anti-rabies protective titre...
Health camp for KVASU employees...
COHEART in collaboration with Directorate of Healt...
Blood Donation Camp...
COHEART in association with Students union, CVAS, ...
Anti-Rabies Titre Assessment Camp-2016...
COHEART organized anti-rabies titre assessment cam...
Non-Communicable Diseases Screening Camp...
A screening camp for non-communicable diseases amo...
Awareness class on Zoonotic Disease Mana...
COHEART in collaboration with Animal Husbandry Dep...
KVASU released an awareness documentary ...
As a part of creating awareness on Avian influenza...
Pesticide free fruits and vegetables sen...
Team members of COHEART (Drs. Vinod VK and Reignom...
Zoonoses awareness classes for the stud...
COHEART organized Zoonoses ...
Zoonoses awareness classes at WMO HSS...
COHEART organized awareness camps on Zoonoses for ...
Awareness class on control of zoonotic d...
Session on control of zoonotic and food borne dise...
Awareness Survey on zoonotic disease at ...
In the light of KFD case reported at Mullankolly o...
Awareness class on Leptospirosis...
COHEART conducted Awareness class on “Leptos...
Awareness on Kyasanur forest disease...
Dr. Preethi Unnithan, Senior Research Officer at C...
Awareness on Novel Strategies in achievi...
An awareness class on “Novel Strategies in a...
Awareness class on food safety for Shrey...
COHEART organized an awareness class on food safet...
Health awareness through Magic Show...
Towards creating awareness on vector borne disease...
Awareness class on âbird fluâ held a...
An awareness class on “bird flu” was c...
Interface Meet on âEnvisioning the Ins...
COHEART organized Stakeholders meeting with t...
Veterinary Scientists- Farmers interface...
Co-organized Interface meet (for farmers) at Amaba...
Veterinary Scientists- Farmers interface...
In collaboration with Reliance Foundation and Dair...
Interface meet on âCompanion Animal- I...
COHEART in collaboration with IVA (Kerala) and Koz...
Interface meet on âImplementation of O...
COHEART Organized one-day interface meet on &ldquo...
Interface meet on âLatest research and...
COHEART and IVRI organized Veterinary doctor-Facul...
Interface meet on âRain Water Harvesti...
Global warming and other environmental factors hav...
Interface meet on food Safety and Public...
A special interface meet was organized on March 30...
Interface meet on food Safety and Public...
Students and faculty interface programme was organ...
Interface meet on food Safety and Public...
COHEART organized interface meet between food safe...
Interface meet with Penn State Universit...
COHEART, KVASU opened an avenue with Penn State Un...
Interface meet to Develop One Health pla...
The interface meet was held as a part of One Healt...