The centre utilizes facilities of Department of VPH in addition to its own. The major instrumentaion facilities are:-
- Binocular microscope
- Serologic water baths
- pH meter
- Spectrophotometer
- Centrifuge
- Lovibond or equivalent comparator with phosphatase and resazurin disc
- Colony counter
- Burners
- Balance
- Electronic balance
- Autoclave
- Hot-air oven
- B.O.D. incubator
- Incubators
- Micropipettes (and tips as required)
- Deep freeze -20 oC
- Laminar flow
- Air sampler
- Data processing and programming units with networking
- Laboratory Refrigerators 500 L
- Sample Bag Mixer
- Water analysis system
- Microplate or ELISA reader
- Tissue homogenizer
- High performance liquid chromatography with accessories
- Gas chromatography unit complete with all accessories
- Atomic absorption spectrophotometry with all accessorie
- Rotary shaker
- Somatic cell counter
- Vortex shaker
- Magnetic stirrer
- Biosafety cabinet level II
- PCR machine
- Real time PCR