About the training: COHEART and Dept. of Veterinary Public Health organized ICAR sponsored winter school on "Application of One Health concepts for control of emerging zoonoses & health threats". The duration of training was 21 days. A total of 20 participants from all over India participated the training. The participants were given ample exposure in assimilating the concept of One Health and how to approach during health threats especially during outbreak of emerging zoonoses. Apart from theory sessions, hands on training on disease diagnosis and field visits were also included in the curriculum. Various competitions were also conducted. There were also interactive sessions on how One Health approach can control threats and how can it reduce the economic burden of disease control. Dr. Prejit was the Course Director, Dr. B. Sunil and Dr. Vinod V. K was Course Co-ordinators.
Training Feedback: Ninety per cent participants felt the daily programme was comfortable and 20% considered it tight. Majority (65 %) of the participants considered two weeks as the optimum duration of the training program and 30% participants were satisfied with three weeks. All the participants graded the Winter school as good to outstanding.
Conclusion: The training improved the Capacity of scientist and agreed that health issue at the human–animal–ecosystem interface needs the development of a common vision and plan. Such training should also be conducted in a cross-sectoral manner, to allow understanding of each other’s perspectives and to demonstrate immediately the benefits of working cross-sectorally