World Milk Day celebration 2015

One day awareness programme for the dairy farmers of the Pulpally Grama panchayat of Wayanad was organized by COHEART as a part of World Milk Day celebration 2015. The programme was conducted in association with the Diary Development department and the Pulpally milk Co-operative society at Co-operative Bank Auditorium. The programme was inaugurated by Shri. M.T Karunakaran, President of Pulpally Grama panchayat and presided by Shri. N.K. Gopalan, President, Milk Co-operative society, Pulpally. Sessions were held on “Common diseases of dairy cattle” and on “Clean milk production”. The resource persons were Dr. Deepa P.M, Head of Department of Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine and by Dr. Preethi Unnithan, Senior Research Officer, COHEART, Pookode. The programme was attended by more than 70 dairy farmers.

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