Interface meet on “Rain Water Harvesting and Water Conservation”

Global warming and other environmental factors have seen a growing demand for alternative methods of water conservation and the harvesting of rainwater. Rainwater harvesting is an innovative technique utilized to harvest rainwater from roofs and other above surfaces to be stored for later use. COHEART organized One day Interface meet on “Rain Water Harvesting and Water Conservation” on 24th May, 2016  at  College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Pookode, Wayanad. Mr. Fritz Poerschke, from WISY ACT (an Indo-German Trade name for Emerging / Modern Rainwater Harvesting Systems) was the Chief resource person. Mr.  Poerschke has dedicated more than 30 years on Rain Water Harvesting Concepts from Germany. In hi s talk, Mr. Fritz stressed that rainwater harvesting is the process of augmenting the natural filtration of rainwater in to the underground formation by some artificial methods. Such a conscious collect ion and storage of rainwater to cater to demands of water is the need of the hour. Rain harvested water can be used for garden and crop irrigation, watering livestock, laundry, and flushing toilets. Rainwater harvesting systems are designed after assessing site conditions that include rainfall pattern, incident rainfall, subsurface strata and their storage characteristics. The Managing Director of WISY ACT, Mr. Anzar Azad also shared his innovative concepts on Rain Water harvest technology commonly used in Kerala. Rainwater management has become a critical element in modern construction and retrofits to control runoff. The ability to not only store water runoff, but to collect and reuse has become a vital step towards sustainability and water conservation. The participants of the workshop include engineers from water authority, agricultural and allied department, local self-government institutions, Scientists, progressive farmers and establishment/ resort owners

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