COHEART activities briefed in 2nd International Who's Who in One Health Webinar

Dr. Prejit delivered an invited talk on COHEART and its activities  for 2nd International Who's Who in One Health Webinar held on November 4, 2016. The webinar was hosted by One Health Commission to bring together One Health leaders, advocates, professionals and students in real-time to discuss global One Health efforts while providing a forum for dialogue within and across disciplines. The main objectives of the Webinar were to: 1) Connect One Health stakeholders around the world to better understand, share and highlight individual- and agency-level efforts; 2) Educate Webinar participants about the One Health paradigm and way of thinking towards improved health outcomes; and 3) Create new strategic partnerships and networks for collective, purposeful and coordinated action. There was no cost to attend the Webinar but participants had register in advance. 

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