Best paper award at National Symposium of Indian Society of Veterinary Medicine 2015
COHEART conducted a pilot study to determine the prevalence of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) among canines that were presented to the Teaching Veterinary Hospital of College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Pookode, Wayanad during the year 2014. The paper in this regard was presented by Dr. Preethi Unnithan, Senior Research officer, COHEART during the 33rd Annual convention and National Symposium of Indian Society of Veterinary Medicine 2015 on January 23rd 2015. The presentation won bagged the best paper award.
One Health concept: Best presentation award
On 14/05/2015, COHEART organized “Best presentation award- 2015”. The students enrolled in PG Diploma/ Certificate in One Health was the contestants. The topic allotted was “One Health benefiting the health of Man, Animal and surrounding environment”. Dr. Koshy John, Professor and Head, Veterinary Microbiology, Dr. N. D. Nair, Professor and Head, Veterinary Pathology and Dr. B. Sunil, Professor and Head, Dept. of Veterinary Public health were the judges. The presentation of Dr. Nandakumar S (14-PGDOH-018) was judged as the best presentation and award was distributed
Outstanding One Health Surveillance Award
Dr. Prejit, Officer-In-Charge, COHEART has secured “Outstanding One Health Surveillance Award” during the 2015- Annual Conference of International Society for Disease Surveillance (ISDS) held at Marriott City Center, Colorado, USA from December 8-10, 2015. Dr. Prejit presented on “One Health” experience in India: A partnership among veterinarians, physicians and other healthcare professionals”.
Asian Regional spokesperson for One Health
Dr. Prejit was nominated as the Asian Regional spokesperson for One Health Day 2018 by One Health Commission, United States. The goal is to bring attention around the world to the need for One Health interactions. One Health Day is commemorated on November 3 and spokespersons duty is to propagate Indian Organizations and others in Asia to conduct activities to commemorate OH Day and this year there were good participation in Asian countries (Including India) to commemorate the One Health Day 2018
Travel Grants for Outreach on One Health
SPAIN: Dr. Prejit from COHEART was invited by World Veterinary Association (WVA) and the World Medical Association (WMA) to attend the Global conference on One Health Concept to be held on 21st and 22nd of May in Madrid, Spain and to deliver a presentation on the issue of One Health - multidisciplinary holistic approach for harmony among Man, Animal and Nature
NEPAL: Dr. Prejit from COHEART received invitation and travel grant by Skoll Global Threats, San Francisco, to attend a 2 day workshop on “One Health regional collaboration in South Asia” at Kathmandu, Nepal from May 29 and 30, 2014. The workshop stressed on the need for strengthening “one health” approach to the management of emerging and re-emerging zoonotic diseases in South Asia
AMERICA: Dr. Prejit from COHEART received travel grant and invitation from International Society for Disease Surveillance (ISDS) to participate the 14th annual conference at Denver, United States from December 8th and 10th, 2015
NEPAL: Dr. Prejit from COHEART received travel grant and invitation from Centre for Molecular Dynamics, Nepal for participating the workshop entitled " Zoonotic Disease Pandemic Preparedness for South Asia " on March 13-15, 2017
BANGKOK: Dr. Prejit from COHEART received travel grant and invitation from SGTF and FAO to participate in the workshop on “Development of Governance Structure and Roadmap for Establishment of a South Asia One Health Disease Surveillance Network” during 11-13 Dec 2017 in Bangkok
THAILAND: Dr. Prejit from COHEART received invitation from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to attend the Regional Workshop on Surveillance and Cross-Border collaboration on transboundary Diseases in South Asia on 5th October 2018 at Thailand. The Meeting was organized to support implementation of the Framework for South Asia One Health Disease Surveillance Network and Roadmap.
ITALY: Dr. Prejit received invitation and travel grants for participating the conference on “Creating impact for One Health and Eco Health: Advancements in implementation, evaluation and governance” at Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy from 10-12 September 2018
United Kingdom: Dr. Prejit, Assistant Professor of Department of Veterinary Public Health received international travel grants for participating in One Health Summer School in United Kingdom. This is the very first One Health EJP Summer School hosted by the University of Surrey, in collaboration with WUR, Chatham House and Public Health England. The programme delivers an introduction to One Health basics, prediction approaches, analyses of integrated disease surveillance, outcomes research, risk management, and decision quality. Dr. Prejit was one among the 20 participants all over the globe who got selected with full travel grant and free boarding and lodging for two weeks.
Bhutan : Dr. Prejit received international travel grants to attend the South Asia One Health (SAOH) Disease Surveillance workshop from 19-20 September, 2019 in Paro, Bhutan. He is the founder member of the South Asia One Health (SAOH) Disease Surveillance Network. The event was organized by Ending Pandemics in collaboration with Khesar Gyalpo University of Medical Sciences of Bhutan (KGUMSB) are hosting this event to strengthen the SAOH Disease Surveillance Network.
Austria: Dr. Prejit received international travel grants to attend the Austria (Salzburg) Global Seminar on “Finding Outbreaks Faster: Metrics for One Health Surveillance” to be convened at Schloss Leopoldskron from October 30, to November 3, 2019.
Indonesia: A four-day networking workshop organised by Aceso and INDOHUN (Indonesia One Health University Network) was held at Jakarta, Indonesia from Feb. 4-7, 2020 to discuss on Childhood Infection and Pollution (CHIP) project, review findings of the work undertaken to date and to explore opportunities for future projects. Dr. Prejit, Officer-in-Charge, COHEART was invited for this workshop as an AMR technical expert (Animal health).
Best Poster Award at Annual Conference of Indian Society of Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology
PGDOH Dissertation work of Dr. Bibu John received Best Poster Award in the XVII Annual Conference of Indian Society of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology held at Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Haryana from Dec. 20-22, 2017. Dr. Bibu did the research work under the guidance of Dr. Usha PTA at Department of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, CVAS, Pookode
Certificate of completion of One Health course from St. George University, Grenada, West Indies
Dr. Prejit, Officer- In- Charge of COHEART has successfully completed the online course “One Health, One Medicine: A Global Health Approach” Offered by the Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine St. George University, Grenada, West Indies.
PGDOH 2014-15: Best Dissertation award- 2015
Dr. Tessy D.L., PG Diploma student of One Health was honoured for her Best Dissertation with a cash award and citation during the National Seminar on ‘Sustainable Rabies Control in Kerala held at KVASU, Pookode to commemorate World Rabies Day- 2016. The cash award was sponsored by Chemik Chemicals, Thrissur. The award was distributed by Smt. Ushakumari T., District Panchayat President, Wayanad. Dr. Tessy D.L is a Veterinary Surgeon working in State Animal husbandry department. The award was received for PG Dissertation on “Evaluation of stability of Rabies Viral antigen for diagnosis in decomposing brain samples”. Dr. Arun George, Assistant Professor of KVASU and Dr. Julie B from SIAD acted as the Major guide and Co-guide respectively. The work was done at SIAD, palode.
Best Poster presentation award during Kerala Science Congress
The work done at COHEART on “ELISA-based evaluation of rabies antibody titre in veterinarians subjected to anti-rabies vaccination”, received best poster presentation award during Kerala Science Congress held on 28/01/2018. Dr. Hamna Hakim presented the paper. Dr. Hamna is PGDOH student of COHEART
KSCSTE Springer Award
Dr. Hamna Hakim received KSCSTE Springer Award during Kerala Science Congress held on 28/01/2018. This is received for the presentation of a COHEART project work for antibody titre estimation in veterinarians
PGDOH 2016-17: Best Dissertation award- 2017
Dr. Savitha Rudrappa, PG Diploma student of One Health received Best Dissertation Award with a cash and citation. Her dissertation work was on “Occurrence of thermotolerant campylobacter in dogs in Thrissur, kerala”. The work was done at Dept. of Veterinary Public Health, CVAS, Mannuthy under the guidance of Dr. Bincy Mathew, Assistant Professor. The cash award was sponsored Origin Company.
Appreciation Award from CMDN for insights on One Health
Dr. Prejit, received appreciation award from Centre for Molecular Dynamics, Nepal during the workshop entitled " Zoonotic Disease Pandemic Preparedness for South Asia " on March 13-15, 2017. The award was received as a token of appreciation for providing various insights on One Health activities in India and deliberating on “Regional Stakeholders role in One Health”.
First prize in the poster competition for XVth Annual Conference of IAVPHS
PGDOH Dissertation work of Dr. Sumanth Bedre received First Prize in poster competition for XVth Annual Conference of IAVPHS & National Symposium, on Intersectoral Approaches to combat zoonoses strategies and challenges held from 11th to 13th Oct. 2017 at Tirupati. Dr. Sumanth did the research work on the area of Anti- Rabies titre assessment under the guidance of Dr. Prejit at COHEART
First prize in the poster competition for XVth Annual Conference of IAVPHS
PGDOH Dissertation work of Dr. Muralikrishna Padmakumar was awarded First Prize in Poster presentation in Environmental pollution and health impact session of XV Annual Conference of “Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health Specialists” & National symposium on “Intersectoral approaches to combat zoonoses: Strategies and Challenges” organised by Department of Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology, College of Veterinary Sciences, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati during 11-13 October, 2017
Best Poster Award in AMST conference 2019 held at Ghannavaram, Andra Pradesh
PGDOH Dissertation work of Dr. Pavan M received Best Poster award during AMST conference 2019 held at Ghannavaram, Andhra Pradesh for the abstract titled “Innovative technology for composting of poultry feather waste". The work was done at Dept. of Livestock Products Technology under the guidance of Dr. Sathu T.
Dr. Pankaj, PGDOH student is recognized as Mentor under Student One Health Alliance Program
Dr. Pankaj, PGDOH 2017-18 batch is recognized as a mentor under the pilot “International Student One Health Alliance- Mentorship Program" (ISOHA mentorship program). He is mentoring three international graduate students via distance learning mode.
First prize in the Oral presentation at ISVM Annual Conference at Rajasthan
PGDOH Dissertation work of Dr. Rani Maria Thomas received First prize in the Oral presentation at ISVM Annual Conference and National Symposium on Holistic approach in veterinary Medicine for better animal health to meet the challenges of One health mission held at Rajasthan from Feb. 1-3 2019. The work was done at Department of Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine under the guidance of Dr. Deepa PM, Assistant Professor, Dept. of VEPM
2nd best paper award for XXVI Annual Convention of ISAPM
PGDOH Dissertation work of Dr. Silpa Sasi received 2nd best paper award for XXVI Annual Convention of Indian Society of Animal Production and Management (ISAPM) and National Conference on Innovations in Animal Production for Sustainability and Doubling Farmers Income organized by Dept of LPM, KVASU. The work was done at Department of Livestock Products Technology under the guidance of Dr. Sathu T, Assistant Professor
Nominated as Advisory board member of International Journal of One Health
Dr. Prejit was nominated as the Advisory board member of International Journal of One Health. International Journal of One Health publishes papers focusing on One Health (Human, Animal and Environmental health)
PGDOH student Annie Navomi Philip received Certificate of Merit for essay competition
Dr. Annie Navomi Philip is awarded with a ‘Certificate of Merit’ for International Essay competition conducted by Lloyd Law College as part of World Environment day. There were participants from nine countries. The essay submitted on the topic “Climate Change and One Health approach”. Dr. Annie is a PGDOH student of COHEART
2nd best paper award for Kerala Veterinary Science Congress
The part of PGDOH Dissertation work of Dr. Riya Bakde received 2nd prize in oral presentation for 10th Kerala Veterinary Science Congress organized by Indian Veterinary Association. The topic was on “Fungal flora causing Canine Ringworm - Zoonotic Implications and Antifungal sensitivity”. The work was done in Department of veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine under the guidance of Dr. Rathish R. L, Asst Professor of the department
Best research paper award during 7th Pan Commonwealth Veterinary Conference
PGDOH Dissertation work of Dr. Sathya sooryan A. M received Best research paper Award (Session on Livestock and Poultry Health and production) during the 7th Pan Commonwealth Veterinary Conference of the Commonwealth Veterinary Association that was held from 3rd to 7th March 2019 at National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bangalore India. The work was on occurrence and characterization of E. coli from broiler chicken. The work was done under the guidance of Dr. Senthil Murugan
Best research paper Award (Poster) during 7th Pan Commonwealth Veterinary Conference
Dr. Aswathy S received Best research paper Award (Session on Veterinary Continuing education) during the 7th Pan Commonwealth Veterinary Conference of the Commonwealth Veterinary Association that was held from 3rd to 7th March 2019 at National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bangalore India. The work was on Awareness survey on rabies among school students which was part of COHEART’s Plan project.
Best Dissertation Award- 2018
Suma N (17-PGDOH-030), PGDOH dissertation entitled “ESBL characterization of E. coli and Salmonella spp. isolated from layer birds and eggs” received Best Dissertation Award- 2018
Dr. Pratheesh P. T received prestigious WVPA-Boehringer Ingelheim Innovation in Vaccination Award comprising cash award of 5,000 Euro
Dr. Pratheesh, KSCSTE post doc student of COHEART, Department of Veterinary Public Health, KVASU was awarded WVPA-Boehringer Ingelheim Innovation in Vaccination Award at XXIst World Veterinary Poultry Association Congress (WVPAC2019) held at Bangkok from 16 September 2019 - 20 September 2019. The work was on “Development of a microalgae induced edible veterinary vaccine against salmonellosis using outer membrane proteins ompC and ompF of Salmonella Typhimurium” under the mentorship of Dr. Prejit, Assistant Professor of Department of Veterinary Public Health. Award was launched in 2015 and is awarded for an outstanding contribution in the field of innovation in poultry vaccination. The Award was judged by a panel of representatives from WVPA and Boehringer Ingelheim and is chaired by the President of the WVPA. Dr. Pratheesh received €5,000 to help fund his/her ongoing professional development or training as well as a memento on the occasion.
Second Position (Oral presentation) during World Environment day 2020 celebration
Dr. Annie Navomi Philip received Second Position in Oral presentation during National online conference on the occasion of World Environment day 2020 celebration that was organized by Environment and Social Development Association, Delhi.